(Sunday, October 3, 2010 / 1:06 AM)
tentatively moved to lj! testing out flock.
same name! :D
(Saturday, October 2, 2010 / 8:36 AM)
dont you feel like some people have no fucking respect for you at all and are purposely out to get you pissed seriously when you arent feeling good in the first place.
some people might say the relationship can be saved but im just so fucking tired of everything.i hate guessing,i hate people who leave me hanging,i hate it when i expect so much from those that are close to me and they fail my expectactions.and i feel all the more worse for it because sometimes it is not really their fault im just the one that is stupid and naive.
i always try not to rant on my blog because i hate emo shit.but more and more each day,i find that i care less and less about what people think of me.you might die today,tommorow,and do you want to live every single day not knowing what kind of shit you might have to face,another day of contemplation.
considering moving to livejournal soon so i can f-lock my posts on.....specific people :/ lest someone draw unneccesary inference.
well,this must be what PMS feels like.
friends? (Tuesday, September 28, 2010 / 4:09 AM)

i realized,with shocking reality today.as i sat there contemplating.
that you didnt care anymore.
it is sad and cruel.but i shall try to be indifferent because i know that people change,things change.but the world rotates around its molten core and i still exist,the rest of the world still spins in its idiosyncrasies.
hopefully now that i know this it will make me a better person.
just give me some time.i promise.
trust. (Monday, September 27, 2010 / 9:38 PM)
feel really refreshed after talking to the SLS A (or is it B? well,the earliest sls members) from my OG.
screw everything in law school at least i have friends that will help me,that arent fake,love talking as much as me and appreciate my often misunderstood sardonic sense of humour.for that im grateful cos people like that are really the reason why i can carry on surviving in this education system- grades arent really everything it is the experience that counts sometimes.
feel alot better and a little more positive for SLS.
some political agendas of the misguided youth. (Sunday, September 26, 2010 / 1:54 AM)
"You and I know what Lee Kuan Yew is. He is a man who ruthlessly grabbed power from his colleagues. A man who controls the entire press. A man who has completely politicized the judiciary and made them his servants. A man who has completely politicized the civil service to do his bidding any time he wants. A man who uses the police force not for legitimate law enforcement but to arrest torture and destroy his political opponents. A man who remains in power by instilling fear in his people. A thoroughly corrupt individual who pays himself and his minions $3.7 million a year, which he shamelessly calls a salary, not counting the several more millions he siphons off from state coffers. Yes a thoroughly corrupt individual."
Singapore Dissident,Saturday, January 10, 2009
Brain washing young children. Lee Kuan Yew's Hitler youth.
hmm really brings into question what we have learnt!
i am politically indifferent (except for world domination under a single minling-glorification-party rule of course :P) but it is really um,interesting to learn of alternative views of political dissidents in my pursuit in the quest of knowledge and decent honours ( highly unlikely with this kokkanaden of a module*,but shouldnt we all be encouraged to dream once in a while).
im not saying that i am swayed by his opinions but it is indeed refreshing to hear from alternative views so that,you know,you get a more well rounded perspective to judge from.also,mighty scandalous accusations do make an amusing read! :)
back to my personal life,got to see a law iv musical out of a stroke of unreasonably foreseeable luck ( i seem to live off the misery and detriment of others,perhaps a worthy quality of a budding politician?),went with jc classmate johnnyslut as well,army boys are the most free and someone cancelled on me-_-the musical was SUPER GREAT.so sad that NUS law yr1s are not supportive because i didnt see anyone i know.like at all.also feeling superbly underdressed because everyone was in clubbing attire(i.e. makeup+slutty dress+heels)
*disclaimer: all comments are written in a sarcastic and light-hearted manner reminiscent of the real personality of the author ( who yes,is an excellent individual with lots of youth and potential!so do not take offence at whatever she says :P) are not directed at any parties and/or people and the author would not be liable any actions arising from this post,by whatever individuals with the level of stupidity to subscribe to my credibility.
legal clinic (Tuesday, September 21, 2010 / 7:29 AM)
legal clinic was beyond awesome.
i think its super useful for all the lawyer stuff we hv to do in the future.
and to think the only reason i put it down in the first place is under a suggestion fr one of my og mates.
i think amidst all this mugging,it really gives meaning to what we are gonna do in the future.
awrites! back to mugging!
btw.that pic is just a toy ship- a gift i bought for someone but forgot to give-.-cant rmb who it was.
edited: a more comprehensive account of my experience in the legal clinic.
i think there is a restricted amount that i can reveal,but it is really a whole new experience for me.the most useful out of all the activities imo.cos u really get to experience real lawyers.
so yeah the lawyers are basically probono volunteers who come down weekly to provide free legal advice.and we are supposed to handle registration;photocopy the ICs...etc.there was another NUS girl and a couple more SMU year 3s ( i though they were profesional receptionists at first,LOL,but it seems like they have been volunteering here for quite some time.hopefully i will too)
but then the highlight of our job scope was actually bringing the clients into the rooms, and sitting in a corner taking notes about the questions and answers.each session lasted twenty minutes and we had to go around knocking on doors reminding some people of the time constraints as they tended to ramble about their problems to the lawyers.the volunteers noted that it was rare that tonight all the lawyers were male O.O apparently females are supposed to be more kind hearted? haah!i managed to sit in with each of the lawyers.
well i wont say much about the clients ( i dont know how else to refer to them so clients it shall be) but i can say that you can find many stereotypes as portrayed in drama serial,mediacorp really wasnt exaggerating after all!there would be the scolding uncle...the rich spoiled child who committed a traffic offence on his father's sports car...the single mother who was estranged from her ex husband and worried over the custody of her child...these problems in society,although cliched perhaps are recurring and very real,and it makes me glad that i was given such a oppurtunity to experience it.
*which leads me to wonder,lawyers arent really that different from psychologists after all,except that we are equipped with the skills of how to fix problems rather than the biological background of the problem,the former which is more useful in my opinion as it can efficiently solve the problems of a wider range of people.I realized that communication is paramount in being a lawyer,which makes me grateful that i *ahem* like to talk,even though what is being said is another matter.another point noted is that as lawyers you have to be really sharp and well versed in the areas of expertise such that u can help people with their problems
tatemptations (Monday, September 20, 2010 / 7:21 AM)
those who know me would know that ive always been attracted to beautiful tattoos,to me

its always
been a form of art,with the skin as a canvas.but as a sec sch student then,i still had the sense and the insufficient balls not to do something so silly lah.and there is always The Mother.
i dont know what made me think of it again,must be law school! lol.and ive been internalising my thoughts too much.
Recently,ive been surfing quite a bit.and i generally admit i dont like 90% of tattoo designs,they just looks so cheap and ah lian/ah beng,i prefer something more feminine and understated and elegant.Also my future career as a lawyer does not entitle me to any exuberant displays of creativity! :D